

Let the show begin.

A rare occurrence. I’m part of a group show where I’m displaying 24 recent pieces. A good friend of mine (Anthony Anchundo) arranged it. He is also showing some of his paintings. His work is very textured, colorful, and abstract. The third person in the show is Jerry Lee Frost who paints large fantasy dreamscape pieces. My abstract figures sit somewhere in the middle. I see them as a palate cleanser of sorts. The mix makes for a colorful and interesting show.

The space is the lobby of a historic (and progressive) church. The gallery is a long hallway with white walls, lot of doorways and a variety of expanses that art can be tucked into. I like the way mine fits.

It is also satisfying to see these four series of six pieces in a space that isn’t my studio. It is nice to have my art out in the public. I’ll be curious to see how people respond.