Dharma: an aspect of truth or reality.
For five years I’ve been a part of a dharma book group. The fact that it has persevered, and through a pandemic, says something about the commitment of the members. What has been particularly interesting to me is that even though we’ve been studying the same material, each person has developed a unique practice — choosing their own path. Is that because there is no “right” path or is it because we tailor the path to fit our individual sensibilities?
Personally, the “space between” is my path. My journey is to find new ways of seeing: separation (the space between that provides continuity), mindfulness (the space where everything is reconstituted and reborn), grasping (an infinite space of holding endlessness), aversion (a space of twisting away and staying connected), and the eightfold path (a space so complex it defies understanding and invites understanding). And as you can see words don’t always express my thoughts as clearly as I’d like, so here are some summer paintings I did that I’m sure will make it all clear — as long as you speak abstraction!